As we gather as one family in Christ this Christmas Season, we invite you to join us and find comfort in familiar traditions, warmth in the fellowship of others, and the true hope, peace, joy & love of Jesus Christ.
Whether you're with us for the first time or have been part of our family for years, know that here, you are always welcome—because in Christ, we are all home.
Experience Christmas in a place where hearts are filled with the warmth of FAMILY and the HOPE, PEACE, JOY, & LOVE of Jesus Christ.
Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. It is a traditional time of preparation and waiting for the birth of Jesus. At Creswell Church of Christ, we love to celebrate this tradition by having a special time during our worship where we reflect on that weeks theme of Advent, light the candles on the Advent wreath, and sing festive praise songs and traditional Christmas hymns.
Each week of Advent this year, we have a special storytime for the children. It is only a few minutes, but they love being able to go up and sit and be read a special Christmas story by someone in our congregation, then light the Advent candle together. It is a very special family time!
Each Sunday of Advent, we have a little something special planned for our church family and friends who join us.
Sunday, December 1st: HOPE
We have a “church family Christmas tree” on the platform as a part of our Welcome Home scene for storytime with the children. Please bring an ornament that represents you or your family and hang it on the tree. There will be no formal time during the service to hang the ornaments, please just feel welcome to go up to the tree before or after service and hang your ornament(s).
If you did not bring one the first week, you’re welcome to bring one any week of Advent!
Ornaments will be returned after Christmas.
Sunday, December 8th is about PEACE.
This Sunday, bring a poinsettia in memory of loved ones and set at the front of the church on the platform. They will remain for the duration of Advent and Christmas, decorating our church and bringing memories of Christmas past to us, as well as the warmth of those who have gone on before us. You can send the names of your loved ones to Lisa Ross and they will be included on a memorial slide.
Also - we will have a big poster paper up on the wall titled “Our Favorite Memories 2024”. Markers will be available, and we encourage everyone to write a favorite memory or two (or more!) of our church this last year. Let’s fill that poster with memories of our time together this last year as a way of not only remembering the great times, but also encouraging us on what we’ve accomplished.
Sunday, December 15th we celebrate JOY.
We will have a special little something to hand out as a little gift that will remind you of Jesus and Joy.
Also - SHARE SOME JOY! Do you knit? Bake? Create? Draw? Have something to give? Bring items to share and place them on our sharing table in the foyer. We have many talented people in our church family, and they love to share their talents!
Sunday, December 22nd is all about LOVE. This is our big Christmas Sunday service FULL of Christmas music! There will also be communion and a short message. We are excited for this very festive service of celebration!
We are also having a Christmas Cookie & Treat exchange! Bring a plate of your favorite Christmas Cookie or Treat (handmade or store bought, doesn’t matter!), and put on the sharing table. Feel free to then try some of the other cookies and treats shared by others! We did this last year and it was a much fun!
Join us for a beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service filled with carols, Scripture readings, and a message of hope and salvation. Bring your family and friends as we reflect on the miracle of Christ's birth and light candles to symbolize the light of Christ shining in the darkness.
Our Christmas Eve service starts at 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 24th.
Please come as you are, whether you’re dressed up or wearing something comfy or festive...
we welcome everyone!
This Christmas, we have a gift for YOU: The Christmas Story for Children by Max Lucado.
This book is a gift from the Creswell Church of Christ,
a reminder of the greatest gift ever given — Jesus Christ. As you read His story, may it inspire you to reflect on His love for you, and the true meaning of Christmas.
You may find these books at the Kids Church Counter in the foyer of our church on Sunday mornings.
Our Christmas Eve Service is on Tuesday, December 24th starting at 6:00 pm.
There is no formal childcare during this service.
Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down for anyone.
Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on the following channels:
Vimeo: Creswell Church of Christ
YouTube: Sound Team Creswell Church of Christ
Facebook: Creswell Church of Christ
Formal childcare will not be provided. We love having families of all ages together during our Christmas Eve service. A nursery / cry room is available just off our foyer and has a TV showing the service in the room. Our nursery also includes a private nursing room for mothers with babies who would like that privacy.
We will have storytime during the service for young children who wish to go up and sit together for a special story read by our Lead Pastor, Doug Allison. If your child is shy or you prefer to keep them with you, they may stay seated with you and see the story pages and pictures on the big screens. You may also have a parent or older sibling accompany them if they feel more comfortable.